

ANDES System Architecture Meeting 2023
March 7 – 9 2023,
La Laguna, Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain)
Congresso Nazionale SAIt – LXVII Assemblea – #SAIt2023Congresso (15-19 May 2023): Overview · INDICO @ INAF (Indico) 15-19 May, Camerino (Macerata) – ItalyANDES, the high resolution spectrograph for the ELT: a new workhorse for the Italian astronomical communitySAIt_Camerino – Files – ownCloud ( given by Paolo Di Marcantonio (in italian) at Italian Astronomical Society


Conference Date/LocationTitleContributionNote
IberiCOS 2022 (4-6 May 2022) · (Indico) 04-06 May / BarcelonaOptimization of Spectroscopic Tests of Fundamental Physics: from ESPRESSO to the ELTN/ATalk given by Catarina Marques, MSc student of Carlos Martins
Audizioni INAF 202211 MayANDES, the high resolution spectrograph for the ELTN/ATalk given by Alessandro Marconi (in Italian) for INAF community
LATSIS symposium29/08 – 02/09; ZurichLooking for biosignatures in exoplanets atmospheres with RISTRETTO and ANDES: a topic at the heart of the newly created Life in Universe Center in Geneva Talk given by Emeline Bolmont (UniGe/ OGE)
Reunión Cientifica de la SEA 2022 – Presentationheld on La Laguna, Tenerife on September 5-9, 2022  Talk given by Jonay Gonzalez (UniGe/ OGE)
Thinkshop 2022: High-resolution spectroscopy for exoplanet atmospheres and biomarkers (7-9 September 2022): Overview · Meetings (Indico)7 – 9 September 2022
Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP)



