Instrument design
The ANDES baseline concept is that of a modular fiber-fed cross dispersed echelle spectrograph composed by four ultra-stable modules (called in our Project terminology, subsystems), namely UBV, RIZ, YJH and K, capable of providing a simultaneous spectral coverage (goals included) of 0.35 -2.4 µm at a resolution of 100,000 with several, interchangeable, observing modes ensuring maximization of either accuracy or throughput.

Technical Specifications of final stage
- Wavelength range: 0.35 – 2.4 μm
- “Seeing-limited” observing mode: R~100,000 with simultaneous wavelength range of 0.4-1.8 µm (0.35-2.4 goal); two apertures for simultaneous object and sky observations.
- IFU observing mode: R~100,000 with simultaneous wavelength range of 1.0-1.8 micron, diffraction limited AO-assisted IFU with maximum 61 spaxels; 4 spaxels scales in the 5-100 mas range.
